MP3 CD3 Messages by Albert McShane

This CD contains 65 messages by Albert McShane. The messages are in MP3 format and can be played on a computer with the relevant software and a soundcard and speakers, a CD player with MP3 capability or copied onto a MP3 player. Click on the link below to see a list of the messages (there are five free sample MP3 messages). Scroll down to read a little background information on Albert McShane. The CD contents are owned by Tape Teaching and must not be copied, exchanged or altered without the prior consent of Tape Teaching.

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Albert McShane was born three miles outside the town of Lurgan, in a village called Killmore in Northern Ireland into a family of three. Bertie Douglas started a Sunday School in the district and Albert McShane joined it at the age of 3. He was one of six who attended. He later attributed his salvation to the foundations laid in this Sunday School. He was impressed with his need of salvation at an early age when a member of the Sunday School died and was not present to receive his prize. This need was further impressed upon him when his elder brother died aged nine. He attended two series of meetings prior to getting saved. The first conducted by Mr. McGowan and Mr. H. Bailie. The second by Mr F. Knox. Desiring to be saved he was disappointed at not getting saved during those meetings. On 3rd January 1929, his mother asked him to attend the Bible Reading in the assembly with her. As it was the first week in 1929 the brethren decided to change it into a prayer meeting. This prayer meeting awakened him to the serious need of being saved. He tried to get saved that night but thought he had missed salvation. He lay considering the verse "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" . Very simply he considered the Son in his thoughts and in his own words realised "Now if the Son has satisfied God for me, and, what he has done is enough for God, and, if it is enough for God then its enough for me" . He realised that it was enough for God to save him in a personal way and simply believed on Christ. He was baptised and received into fellowship in the Kilmore assembly when he was 14 years of age. He joined William McCracken in 1944 in a series of Gospel meetings. After preaching the gospel for a number of years he left his employment and served the Lord by preaching and teaching for over fifty years. He preached with Mr William McCracken at first, then Mr Alec Lyttle and latterly with Norman Turkington and David Gilliland. Although he loved the gospel and often stressed the need for assemblies to be actively engaged in it, He will be remembered as a master teacher with an outstanding gift which was a blessing to many. His ability to take up passages rarely ministered on and passages often classified as "difficult" and break these down into simple terms easily understood by all was a measure of his quality as a teacher. As well as the many ministry meetings he took - of which this CD is a sample - he lead many Bible Readings. He was responsible for opening the Bible Reading at Lurgan on Saturday nights for over 53 years. In addition he lead the Bible Readings in many of the large conferences in Northern Ireland (Lurgan, Craigyhill Larne, Belfast Christmas Conference) and abroad. He spoke in a number of different countries and authored many books. Many have been blessed through reading his commentaries on books of both Old and New Testaments. He has written the commentaries on II Corinthians, Philemon and Jude for the Series "What the Bible Teaches" as well as a very practical exposition of the Epistle of James. He also wrote a large number of articles in assembly magazines covering many topics. He was called home on May 20th 2002.